At Chalkline, we aim to deliver the best client experience and enjoy the journey whilst doing so, and that starts at the very beginning - onboarding. In this day and age, where technology is intertwined in almost every part of a company, changing Managed Service...
Cloud Migration
Your guide to on-premise vs cloud (2024 edition)
We've certainly now passed the initial novelty of the cloud. At Chalkline, our team have been doing cloud migrations for well over 10 years. Most companies we speak to now have their email in the cloud, typically using Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace. We do see a...
Transforming the finance sector: 7 ways the cloud can help
The financial services industry has historically been a little risk-averse. But things are changing. A cloud revolution is brewing in the finance sector, with the number of cloud computing adopters rising. Why? Because the cloud offers a way out of...
What are cloud migration services? [The complete guide]
Is your finance company still clinging to your clunky on-premise infrastructure? If the answer’s yes, take some comfort in knowing you’re not the only one. It’s estimated that 70 percent of businesses within the financial sector are still only in the initial phase of...